Super Form
DNNSmart Super Form is a powerful and flexible form module and you can learn how to use it very quickly. It can allow to add several steps in the backend and configure how many feilds in each step and field type. By using this module, you can custom template of each step and e-mail template. It has a intuitive User interface that helps you to create forms easily. You can setup one payment form, responsive form, localization form, slideout form, popup form and so on through using this module.

Effect Collection
This is an integration of all image effect, including Banner, Slider Show, Rotate, Cycle, gallery and so on. It integrates 34 effects now.

This module specially serves for mobile users. When you install this module on your site, you can add pages and contents like DNN standard site settings and call other modules of your DNN site. When mobile users access your site, they will see a more succinct interface. This is just like Iphone and Andriod mobile interface which is easy to operate.

Google Map
This is an ultimate and interactive google map module. It's developed based on Google Map API. It's very simple and useful. As long as you know how to use google map, you will know all functions of this module.

Responsive Slider
This is a responsive slider module which can be compatible with mobile devices. On mobile devices, you can use fingers to slide and switch images. In module setings, it provides many options for you to configure.

Slideout Module
This is one simple and userful module. Its main function is to make your website content float in the edge of the site, you can click one icon to expand content and view. You can put HTML or one third-party module in the floating panel.

Super FAQ
If you want all your information to display on one page, Super FAQ module can help you to navigate on a page. You can use this module as a FAQ or web document and so on.It support multiple language.

Super Redirector
This is one versatile Redirector, it can redirect according to roles, user, URL referrrer, IP, country, mobile, url and so on. With this module, you can flexibly and conveniently control website visitors where to go.

Script Manager
This is a simple module which is convenient for you to add JS or css files to the header or body of your site.

Popup Module
This is one simple and userful module. Its main function is that it would popup one window after you click one button or one image in the module. You can adjust module template in the back-end, you can put HTML or one third-party module in the popup window.